After years of sharing my travel stories with friends and so many of them suggesting I write them down, here I go!
My desire in sharing with you is to empower women to travel more - solo or in small groups. I’ll show you it's not about always knowing what you’re doing or having bottomless financial pockets, but being open to the experience and trusting yourself and humanity. People want you to fall in love with their home and have memorable stories to share with your friends/family. As a retired high school social studies teacher, I miss sharing my travel adventures with my students, inspiring them to explore the world. So now I share them with you, “Let’s travel.”
I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all of the unique content I have to offer. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover a place that inspires you as well. Read on and enjoy!

I followed a boy on a cross-cultural trip to the hills of Jamaica when I was 18. Well, almost. He cancelled at the last minute, but I went with the group anyway. It was a formative experience, especially this shower!